Daily availability
Half-Day or Hourly Rates
Daily availability 〰️ Half-Day or Hourly Rates 〰️
Besides being handy, I’m also budget-conscious and enjoy researching to deliver great outcomes. We can communicate via text, email, and phone for scheduling.
Projects are about the balance of quality, time, and budget. Some projects have a go-with-the-flow to see progress (gardening); others need a step-by-step plan (painting). Some people like to be involved “Teamwork makes the DreamWork” and others like to essentially point to a problem…and come back in two hours to solution. I’m good at working either way.
With tutoring and coaching, I like to explore the learning WITH you, to be a guide toward the goal you set for yourself. We might find a tool or trick that really helps you!
The Services tab on this site will guide you to possibilities!
It seems there are exceptions to most rules, but consider these guidelines. Personal/medical care and errands are generally not considered projects. If you think a professional tradesperson should handle it, start there. Handling files of identification info, and artsy designs are also beyond my strengths.
I’ve lived in Madison since 2012 after grad school, enjoy outdoor activities especially gardening and water sports. Professionally, I was a teacher for a decade and continued to coordinate job training through local nonprofits. I appreciate the connections I have also built through volunteering in Dane County. In 2021, I bought and fully renovated a condo on my own. I’m grateful to family and friends for some of my start-up before-and-after Projects LLC pictures. I’m always up for a mental challenge and bring a strong heart to my work.
Nice to meet you!
Shout out to Laurie Lee, for this in the June/July 2024 edition of the Northside News.
Navigate to PAGE 7.
Let’s talk about the budget.
On the transactions page, you’ll see the Half-Day Project rate and an Hour of Tasks Rate. The difference is that some projects can vary complexity, and that I have a strong work ethic. With respect to your resources, let me know if you’d like me to work task-by-task for an hour, or pay for the half-day. If the rates are too high for you, I’ll be grateful for your offer and the opportunity to help! An employer would factor in the costs of risk management, marketing, tools and technology, taxes, professional development, a break room, mileage and drive time. I could justify charging double for the quality and value-add, I would rather be working than be priced out of business. This is effective November 1, 2024.
In celebration of my second anniversary of sole proprietorship…
LLC Milestones, Hopes for the year ahead, Goals for the current quarter…COMING SOON!